2025 Rates
Weekday Green Fees | 9 holes for $18 | 18 holes for $25 | All Day for $30
Weekend Green Fees | 9 holes for $20 | 18 holes for $30
Weekday Green Fees | 9 holes for $18 | 18 holes for $25 | All Day for $30
Weekend Green Fees | 9 holes for $20 | 18 holes for $30
Thank you to the above businesses who support Valley View Golf Course
USGA Rules prevail except for the following:
Winter rules to be in use, in your fairway only.
Out of bounds - outside the fence surrounding the golf course and white stakes on #9. Penalty - 1 stroke and loss of distance.
Lost ball - loss of stroke and distance.
Ball in unplayable lie - move ball 2 club lengths, no nearer to the hole with 1 stroke penalty.
Roughs and Drainage Ditches - play the ball as it lies or take unplayable lie with 1 stroke penalty, except where marked as a hazard.
All lakes and ponds played as water hazards.
Drop area for ball in water off of mens tee on hole #6 is ladies tee on hole #6, with loss of stroke and distance.
Tree Farm - play the ball as it lies or take unplayable lie with 1 stroke penalty.
Casual water - no penalty
Yardage markers in your fairway mark yardage the hole following the fairway.
red = 100 yards
white = 150 yards
blue = 200 yards
gold = 250 yards